Empower Innovation, Simplify Integration​

Transform your application landscape with Make's no-code platform, powered by BPT

Explore the potential of Make’s no-code platform for exposing your software application to an ever-growing ecosystem, streamlining the process to extend your application’s reach and functionality

Make users build deeper and wider API integrations, more quickly, with a lower risk of churn and with greater Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

See how we can connect your application to the Make Ecosystem


Active Organisations




App Connectors

Unmatched Benefits for ISVs

Strategic Advantages for Independent Software Vendors: Maximise Scalibilty and Accelerate Innovation.
  • Increase Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR): Accelerate your go-to-market strategy and enhance revenue streams. With no-code, deployment cycles are cut drastically, allowing you to monetize your solutions faster than ever.
  • Boost Customer Satisfaction and Success: Adapt quickly to changing customer requirements. With a Make no-code App, you will be enabled to update and customise solutions in real-time, increasing client satisfaction and strengthening user engagement.
  • Differentiate Your Product: Stand out in a crowded market. No-code integration offers unique customization capabilities that allow your products to be versatile and more adaptable to specific industry needs.
  • Improve Retention and Lifetime Value (LTV): Enhance customer loyalty and extend the lifetime value of your clients through improved service offerings.  No-code solutions foster a proactive approach to client needs, ensuring they stay satisfied and engaged over time.
  • Focus on Core Innovation: Utilise no-code integrations to alleviate the common burden of custom third-party integrations, which can often distract your core development team and delay your product roadmap. No-code puts the power in the hands of the customer or service engineers, allowing your developers to concentrate on enhancing the main software offerings, maintaining efficiency and aligning with strategic objectives.
A Make Certified App which has passed the Quality and Security assessments and is actively maintanined within the Make ecosystem
Flawless integration with Make’s ecosystem
Enhanced visibility in the Make marketplace
Rigorous security standards compliance
App Documentation hosted by Make
Dedicated developer support
Access to Make Sandbox for testing
Promotional codes to attract new users
Detailed app performance dashboard
Opportunities for co-marketing: blogs, webinars, and spotlights
Co-selling opportunities with Make
Click on the link below to find out more details about the services we offer around App development.
At Blue Precision Technologies, we recognize the transformative impact of automation and the pivotal role that a platform like Make can play in enhancing how your customers connect their applications. We specialize in transforming APIs into user-friendly, widely adopted applications that integrate seamlessly within the Make ecosystem. Allow us to guide you through our streamlined process to get started.
Introduction to Make
Design Your App
Build Your App days
Delivery and User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
Submit to Make
Publish Your App
Go To Market Strategy
Click on the link below to find out more details about the services we offer around App development

We would love to hear from you about any existing or new projects where our team could be of Service.